Nestled in a rare tranquil pocket amidst the bustling energy of St Leonards, The Collective emerges as a new master-planned community spanning 10,000sqm, across several sites and street frontages. A ground-breaking development transforming St Leonards into a dynamic art-centric neighbourhood, this is a haven where the quaint charm of village life seamlessly converges with a lively live-work-play hub all within arms-reach of the Crows Nest Metro and St Leonards train station.
Stage one – The Collective Atchison presents a curated series of expansive modern residences, ranging from one to four bedrooms, crafted with a spacious design ethos perfectly suited for families and owner occupiers. Anchored in the arts and a sense of shared community, The Collective beckons you to partake in a uniquely creative and harmonious living experience, like no other